In fact, their eye-cathching “got microchip?” stickers can be applied to any semi-smooth/flat surface … from cars, windows, and laptops, to file cabinets, binders, and all sorts of things!
The “got microchip?” campaign recently rolled out with a contest, inviting those purchasing the sticker to send a picture of it on their vehicle. Below are some of the entries!
In addition to raising MICROCHIP AWARENESS, the stickers are raising funds to help the group support pets in their community through microchipping events and outreach! Imagined by Animal Lovers of Chandler and created by The Scribble Hollow, the “got microchip” sticker is even available for groups across the country to purchase at a discount rate to help them use the clever stickers as an awareness tool in their community. Groups interested can email Sheri Goodwin for discount pricing.
The vinyl stickers sells for $7 or Individuals and can be purchased directly by sending funds via PayPal to They can also be ordered with a debit/credit card directly from The Scribbled Hollow.
Animal Lovers of Chandler works every day to network and assist lost and found pets in their community to be reunited. They realize that in addition to a collar and visible ID tag, that microchips are a permanent ID that can play a vital role in reuniting those without tags, or with outdated info. In THEIR words:
🐶Our hope is to also spread the word to the individuals who find a dog that don’t know that microchips exist. We hope that with this awareness, more long-time missing, microchipped pets will come home!
😺Along with this awareness campaign, we will also be stressing how important it is to get the microchip REGISTERED and to keep it UPDATED.
In addition to the “got microchip?” sticker, Animal Lovers of Chandler created a group sticker for vehicles “Love ’em? Tag ’em Chip ’em”. We applaud this campaign which reinforces Generation Wags’ Love Tag Chip challenge!
How the group started
We started the group because we saw a need in our community for ID tags. Finders need help with reuniting families and their pets. We specialize in Lost and Found resources, and will help the finders/owners with making/hanging large signs, postings and networking the Lost And Found pets in Chandler.
At a recent event the group also helped provide 75 visible ID tags and informed community members about the dire situation of lost and found pets and what they can do.
Keep up the great work Animal Lovers of Chandler! And thanks for signing up as a Unite2Reunite Partner!
With your help more pet owners will take the preventive steps needed to improve the odds that should their pet go missing they will be reunited.
If you know of other groups working in their communities promoting microchipping and tagging email us at
Ah. I’m in tears! Just beautifully presented! I am so happy to be helping.