The following post from Lost Dogs of America is a great reminder that while social media has become so prominent in sharing lost and found pets, the message is losing an entire population who do not use social media. In…
Category: U2R Blog
If you haven’t personally lost a beloved pet consider yourself fortunate! Those who have never expected it to happen, and often so unexpectedly and quickly.
For those of us who are involved with assisting owners of lost pets to help locate and reunite them, we recognize that while many resources currently exist (some free and some paid), without ONE free, map-based, and registry that strives to integrate strays at shelters to individuals posting lost and found pets, that we are not sincerely serving the lost pet owner community.
For a number of years, as the founder of Generation Wags, I have recognized and supported the altruistic efforts of as that ONE registry that we must all support as the core. Other registries and efforts serve valuable tools, however without ONE registry for ALL lost and found pets we end up with no more than different “buckets” of lost and found pets.
Those “buckets” continue to expand, some by dedicated individuals from within the rescue community and others who enter the market as more of a marketing opportunity. Ultimately the owner of a lost pet must evaluate each offering and determine which ones they feel offer them the value they are seeking.
We hope that other lost and found efforts will also get behind HeLP to ensure that their “bucket” of lost and found pets are encouraged to be listed in this ONE national, map-based, free registry where owners of lost pets can do free filtered searches for a day, a month, or even years later! ,
While HeLP is the core, we are looking to YOU and YOUR BUSINESS to join the Unite 2 Reunite community to receive and share alerts, and to raise the need to support our fellow pet owners and lovers by sharing your part of U2R!
Right click on the image below to copy it and share on your social media! Let others know you are a support of U2R! Encourage others to join too. Or simply share the link to with others you…
A very large reason that stray pets do not get home is that people who find them decide to keep them, or to turn them over to someone else to keep or to a rescue. However, most jurisdictions have regulations in…
Once a companion animal enters the shelter system, they could be adopted, pulled by a rescue States way, or even euthanized in a short period of time. The number of days varies by jurisdiction. This reality is why locating a…